Title: A Basket Full of Softened You and Me Pairing: Donghae/Zhoumi Genre: Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters mentioned here belong to SME. Summary: In which Zhoumi buys enough clothes for an army, Donghae is the resident laundromat and everyone wants to keep the pair of them in their pockets. A/N: For amalious
Title: Plausible Deniability: Rejected Pairing: Siwon/Heechul Genre: Legends!AU Rating: NC-17 Disclaimer: The boys are their own people. I just own the creative rights. Wordcount: 737 Warnings: Explicit sexual content. Summary: Where Heechul is a bored and annoyed Cupid and Siwon is the unwitting Psyche. A/N: For sjpornathon challenge #1 - World Legends
Title: Windfall Puppy Love Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae Genre: Friendship/Fluff Rating: G Disclaimer: The boys are their own people. I just own the creative rights. Wordcount: 570 Summary: Because being thankful for the bony gangly puppy is something Donghae is good at. A/N: Inspired by Donghae's tweet of the Kyuhae hug.
Title: To Date or Not To Date, That Is The Question. Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae Genre: Crack Rating: G Disclaimer: The harem shall be mine. Wordcount: 566 Summary: An innocent honest-to-God answer bringing about the most unexpected reaction. A/N: Inspired by this clip.
Title: The Colour of Your Charms Pairing: Henry/Donghae, ninja! Hangeng/Kyuhyun Genre: Crack/ Fluff/ Slight! Romance Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Summary: Because shopping for couple rings can be a dramatic affair. A/N: amalious's request fic. It's different from what you had in mind though. Still I hope you like it ^^
Title: Reminiscent of Dreams Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 1510 Summary: When past fear arises, there is someone who will always understand. A/N: Because I watched this
Title: It's All About You Pairing: Hangeng/Donghae Genre: Fluff/Romance Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 452 Summary: Because saying 'I Love You' just isn't enough sometimes. A/N: Shamelessly taken from Inspired by It's All About You by McFly. Dedicated to blue_mori for an overdue Hanhae fic. Hope this makes it up for the
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A/N: These here are dedicated to asisharada. Happy birthday dearie!
Title: Phantom Reassurance Pairing: Siwon/Donghae Genre: Friendship Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 139 Summary: Where two people who needs skinship hardly ever touches the other.
Title: Of Heechul and High Heels Pairing: Friendship! Heechul/Donghae Genre: Crack Rating: G Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 197 Summary: Why walking in heels is worth it. A/N: For the prompt “Heels”
Title: An Exception Pairing: Yesung/Donghae Genre: Fluff Rating: PG Disclaimer: Even in my dreams, they own me. Wordcount: 136 Summary: It took the rain to remind him why he makes the exceptions the way he does. A/N: For the prompt “Umbrella”